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Qingyi Build

Criminal Investigation Special Response Team

Electric Strike stun


S Rank


Level: 1

Core Bonus Included









PEN Ratio


Anomaly Proficiency


Energy Regen


Anomaly Mastery


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Update log : Updated Qingyi’s Guide.

Qingyi Guide

Qingyi’s Performance in the Game

The heir to the Lightning Five Whips and an intelligent battle robot with multiple head types, Qingyi is a character that has caught the attention of many players. But how does she perform in the game, and is she worth pulling for? This review will provide you with the answers. We are committed to creating the best visually appealing guides on the internet, so we hope you can support us with a like: each coin provides 10 experience points, and each share provides 5 experience points, helping you level up while allowing us to produce better content.


Qingyi is a limited character in the Special Operations Unit, specializing in enemy attribute-breaking. Her strengths lie in her strong determination, with her core passive providing up to 80% additional damage against imbalanced enemies. Her extra ability requires pairing with an offensive or same-unit character to trigger, allowing her to fit into most imbalance teams as a breaker. As for weaknesses, they were effectively eliminated with the buffs she received within the first five days after her release, making her one of the strongest breakers available. The only downside is her electric attribute’s reduced edge-breaking efficiency when facing enemies without an electric weakness. In such cases, Wolff’s edge-breaking method is stronger. In other situations, Qingyi remains the most efficient and strongest breaker in terms of imbalance performance.

Overall Assessment

Qingyi is currently ranked as a Tier 0 breaker, excelling in flipping the battlefield and perfectly complementing characters like Zhu Yuan for explosive battlefield output. She can also be paired with Allen. Any player lacking a breaker should consider pulling for Qingyi. For example, she can be added to Zhu Yuan’s team to replace Anbi or join Allen’s team without Lycaon, providing significant enhancements. Qingyi’s exclusive engine offers around a 20% improvement over other engines, making it a solid choice. For those without this option, the top recommendations are the Long-Pole Engine, Burning Gear, and Residual Gear. If these aren’t available, Blade Set and Precious Bone Box are good alternatives, both of which can be redeemed at the toy store.

Comparing Exclusive and Generic Engines

While the exclusive engine is similar in overall performance to the generic engine, the latter has a lower draw expectation, making the exclusive engine a better value overall. For dedicated fans, pulling for a 0+1 setup not only offers a good value but also provides exclusive effects. However, for free-to-play players, the 0+0 setup is the most cost-effective. Whether or not to pull depends on your understanding of the character, so let’s dive into Qingyi’s skills to better understand her.

Skill Overview

Before detailing the skills, let’s focus on the core mechanics. Qingyi’s core skill is the main source of her strength, while her normal attack and special skill are her primary breaking methods, so it’s recommended to max them out. Among the three levels of priority, the core skill should be prioritized first, followed by normal attack, dodge, and support skills. You only need to allocate points to support skills and dodge when necessary. Due to Qingyi’s frequent use of dodge, it’s advisable to prioritize upgrading dodge among the three categories.

Skill Details

Qingyi’s core passive allows her enhanced normal attacks to apply a buff called “Muscle” to enemies, with each layer increasing imbalance damage by 4% and increasing chain damage by 3%. This can stack up to 20 layers, and stacking efficiency is doubled against elite enemies. The layers reset when the enemy exits the imbalance state. Her extra ability is purely numerical, increasing the imbalance value of her normal attacks by 20% and boosting her attack power. Any impact force exceeding 120 points increases attack power by 6 points, up to a maximum of 600 points, though this isn’t fully utilized without the exclusive engine.

In simple terms, Qingyi’s imbalance damage is stacked through her enhanced normal attacks, which require energy to execute. Energy is represented by the bar below Qingyi’s portrait. In practice, Qingyi primarily gains energy through the third segment of her normal attack, commonly referred to as the “Lightning Five Whips.” There are three ways to enter this mode: by continuing to press the attack button after the second segment of the normal attack, after a dodge counter, or after an enhanced special skill. Since the normal attack is prone to interruption, the first method is not recommended. Instead, the other two methods are preferred for entering Lightning Five Whips mode.

Maintaining Lightning Five Whips

Once in Lightning Five Whips mode, continuing to press the attack button maintains the move and pulls in enemies. Even if you stop pressing the button, switch characters, or block, it will automatically link to the fourth segment of the normal attack. Holding the button for an extended period also increases the damage and imbalance multiplier of the fourth segment. Additionally, combo skills generate a lot of energy and deal significant damage, so it’s worth using them. The enhanced special skill comes in two forms: long press and short press. The long press consumes 20 points of energy but doesn’t greatly improve breaking efficiency or energy gain, so short presses are generally recommended to trigger the Lightning Five Whips and disperse energy.

When energy is dispersed by more than 75%, Qingyi enters a “Lightning Down” state, where holding the attack button triggers the enhanced normal attack, consuming all energy. Exceeding 75% energy consumption increases the damage of the enhanced normal attack by 1% and the imbalance value by 0.5% for each point of energy consumed.

Enhanced Normal Attack Mechanics

The enhanced normal attack consists of two stages: the initial strike, which is five consecutive attacks (referred to as “Initial Strike”), and the final blow (“Final Blow”). The Initial Strike does not stack layers, but each time it’s used, the Final Blow adds another layer. Combined with the five layers from the mid-level attack, completing one enhanced normal attack can stack ten layers. If Qingyi is hit during the mid-level attack, it automatically triggers an extreme dodge, adding ten more layers. During the Initial Strike, releasing the attack button, switching characters, or parrying will immediately trigger the Final Blow.

Practical Application

Although it may sound complicated, the practical application is quite straightforward. Start by activating the enhanced special skill, then continuously press the attack button to execute the Lightning Five Whips and disperse energy. If the enemy retreats or runs away, continue to press dodge while holding the attack button to move toward the enemy without interrupting the Lightning Five Whips. This is particularly effective against agile enemies. If the enemy attacks, use the parry to avoid it and continue slashing to disperse energy.

Energy Management

Once energy is dispersed, the key question arises: should you release the enhanced normal attack at 75% energy or wait until 100%? It depends on the situation. Against elite enemies, completing one full enhanced normal attack is sufficient to apply 20 layers of the “Muscle” buff, especially since their imbalance gauge is relatively short. In such cases, it’s advisable to release at 100% energy for a full burst to knock the enemy into imbalance. However, against bosses with longer imbalance gauges, it often takes two full enhanced normal attacks to apply 20 layers of the “Muscle” buff. Given their high attack frequency and resistance to interruption, it’s better to release at 75% energy to reduce Qingyi’s battlefield pressure and allow for multiple enhanced normal attacks to ensure stability.

Final Thoughts on Qingyi’s Skills

Once the strategy is chosen, there are a few things to keep in mind regarding the enhanced normal attack. The two mechanisms mentioned earlier—automatic release upon switching characters and automatic dodge when hit—can be leveraged to easily perform double counters. The operation is simple: during the enhanced normal attack, observe the enemy’s movements, and when the yellow warning light appears, press the support button to execute double counters. This technique not only allows Zhu Yuan to gain additional buffs but also lets Qingyi stack layers effectively.

Game Pairing Impact

Qingyi’s introduction changes the dynamics of game pairing. Before discussing pairings, let’s compare all breaker characters. We’ve simulated a long-axis breaker model, excluding the impact of initial energy, and introduced parry calculations to measure each character’s battlefield breaking efficiency. Qingyi currently has the highest breaking efficiency among all breaker characters, leading by about 10% compared to existing long-axis breakers. Additionally, Qingyi has an 80% imbalance damage multiplier, theoretically increasing damage per second by 53.3% when the enemy has a 50% base imbalance damage multiplier, surpassing Coreda and Anbi by a significant margin.

Conclusion on Qingyi’s Strength

Overall, Qingyi is an extremely powerful breaker who can fit into most strong attack teams. Her pairing is simple: as long as there’s a strong attacker in the team, Qingyi can be added without hesitation. She’s undoubtedly a great fit for Zhu Yuan, who has high burst potential on the battlefield. The two characters not only have highly compatible skill modules but also share double parry as a combo, making Qingyi an upgraded version of Anbi. Compared to Anbi, Qingyi offers a 53.3% improvement. When paired with Nicole, they form the strongest imbalance team, slightly ahead of the Laken’s Shark setup in terms of strength.

On the other hand, Qingyi doesn’t pair as well with Allen, resulting in a slightly weaker overall strength compared to Laken but still stronger than Anbi or Coreda. When paired with other strong attackers like Number 11, Cat Friend, Anton, or Billy, Qingyi also provides a noticeable boost. Among these, while Cat Friend sees some improvement, their synergy is poor, making it difficult for Cat Friend to fully leverage her advantages. Players using Cat Friend should wait for new characters. Pairing Qingyi with Gris results in some loss of synergy, as Qingyi’s extra ability and electric charge accumulation clash, leading to time conflicts on the battlefield. Therefore, it’s not recommended to add Qingyi to the Gris setup.

Can Qingyi Be a Main DPS?

Unfortunately, Qingyi is not suited to being a main DPS due to her extra ability trigger conditions and skill module design. Therefore, her development should focus entirely on her role as a breaker. For the Drive set, the recommended choice is the Resurgence Disk, with energy regeneration or electric attribute damage as the preferred two-piece bonuses. Personally, I recommend energy regeneration. As for the main stats, Slot 4 should prioritize critical hit rate, followed by attack power; Slot 5 should prioritize electric attribute damage or attack power; Slot 6 should focus on impact power. If you want to maximize defense, you can swap all offensive stats for defense and health, fully committing to the breaker role.

Exclusive Engine Analysis

The exclusive engine “Yin Qing” provides a maxed-out attack power of 713 and an 18% impact power boost. The special effect grants a buff after each normal attack, increasing impact power by 0.7% per stack, up to three stacks, for a total of 21% impact power. Each buff’s duration is calculated separately and lasts for 8 seconds. When the buff reaches 15 stacks, it also grants a 20% damage boost to the entire team for 10 seconds. For Qingyi, stacking this exclusive engine is very fast, as each normal attack triggers a stack. For other breakers, it’s more challenging to reach full stacks, making it difficult to consistently activate the damage boost. Therefore, the exclusive engine is more specialized.

Breaker Engine Calculations

The calculations for breaker engines are more complex because breaking efficiency does not directly correlate with DPS improvement. For example, if it takes 20 seconds to break the enemy’s imbalance shield, allowing for 10 seconds of output, and switching to an engine that improves breaking efficiency by 33% reduces the breaking time to 15 seconds, the total cycle time becomes 25 seconds, resulting in only a 20% DPS increase. This is lower than the improvement in breaking efficiency. Additionally, the entire team’s imbalance value is not solely provided by the breaker; the main DPS and support also contribute a bit. Therefore, the actual benefit of breaking efficiency is lower. Moreover, Qingyi’s exclusive engine offers additional damage bonuses, so we introduce the concept of “team equivalent DPS” to represent the engine’s DPS improvement for the entire team.

Final Recommendation

In the end, the two regular engines perform well, with little difference between them. If you’re looking for a straightforward option, the Precious Bone Box provides a more linear impact power boost and performs better overall after reading. Both can be fully redeemed at the toy store, so we won’t discuss other engines. For those who want to use Qingyi as a main DPS, we’ve calculated the damage potential of the exclusive engine. Qingyi’s exclusive engine not only fully utilizes the 600-point attack power bonus from the extra ability but also provides a 20% damage boost. The damage output is slightly higher than other engines, but the difference is not substantial. Therefore, the exclusive engine alone is not enough to support a pure DPS playstyle.

Adding the enhancement effect doesn’t make it viable either. Qingyi’s full energy entry and 30% improved energy accumulation efficiency allow for frequent releases of the enhanced normal attack, but the overall DPS gain is only about 7%. The 15% defense reduction provides an additional 7.8% DPS boost for the entire team. The 20% critical hit rate increase results in a 14% damage increase for Qingyi. Together, the defense reduction, critical hit rate, and energy dispersion efficiency provide a 23% overall damage boost, making Qingyi’s battlefield damage output theoretically reach 70% of Number 11’s. If combined with the exclusive engine, Qingyi might even rival Number 11, but the cost is high, and suitable teammates are lacking. Therefore, the main DPS build is more of an entertainment playstyle and is not highly recommended.

Qingyi Overview

Qingyi is one of the Electric characters with Stun role. Qingyi is one of the S Rank characters in Zenless Zone Zero.

Qingyi Build and Qingyi best teams are included in this guide, you can jump to Qingyi Build Here.

Qingyi is the first limited S-tier Stun character in the game. She can quickly accumulate Daze using her enhanced Charged Attack after filling the second Voltage bar, applying up to 80% Daze to enemies, which brings a significant boost to the entire team. This makes Qingyi a high-value character who excels at both strong amplification and high Daze capability. Although Qingyi’s combo sequences may seem complex, the focus is very clear. Her special Charged Attack provides most of the Daze value and all the damage amplification, so the core of Qingyi’s combos is to accumulate Voltage and perform Charged Attacks as much as possible.

Depending on the situation, you need to choose between Basic Attacks, Dodge Counter, or Ex Special to start the sequence. Rapidly tapping the attack button can repeatedly perform the third stage of the Basic Attack until the Voltage bar turns yellow. At this point, holding the attack button will trigger Qingyi’s enhanced Charged Attack. This not only inflicts a large amount of Daze but also applies a Daze damage increase to the enemy. Mechanically, interspersing Dodge Counters during the third stage of the Basic Attack does not interrupt the combo. Statistically, adding Dodge Counters consistently improves Daze efficiency, so there’s no need to worry about them slowing down the battle pace. This feature also makes Qingyi’s performance in tough battles more stable and less affected by external factors. Overall, Qingyi’s Daze efficiency is only slightly behind that of Koleda and Lycaon when they are working together, so she is very strong in terms of Daze potential.

In terms of equipment, Qingyi’s Signature W-engine, “Ice Jade Teapot”, is undoubtedly the best choice, but the lower-tier substitute “The Restrained” and the A Rank W-engine “Steam Oven” also perform very well. In Daze efficiency, the Signature W-engine doesn’t have an advantage, but its value lies in providing a damage boost to the team. For Disk Drives, there’s no question that the four-piece set should be “Shock Disco” and two-piece set can be “Woodpecker Electro” for the highest theoretical damage. However, considering dungeon drops, the “Thunder Metal” two-piece set can also be considered, as the difference is not significant. For main and sub-stats, apart from the sixth slot for Impact, there aren’t particularly high priorities for farming; ensuring Daze efficiency is prioritized.

Qingyi’s Mindscape benefits are primarily concentrated in M1 and M6, both offering over 20% overall improvement. M1 significantly speeds up Qingyi’s Voltage accumulation and allows Charged Attacks to reduce enemy defense. Activating the Voltage accumulation speed boost dramatically enhances Qingyi’s Daze burst potential. M6 directly reduces the enemy’s all-element resistance by 20% and significantly increases Qingyi’s own damage. Overall, Qingyi’s M1 offers excellent value, with a higher priority than her Signature W-engine.

Regarding team composition, Qingyi’s high base stats, along with her team passive that only requires a Attack Type Characters in the team to activate, provide many viable options. She has a place in any team that needs a Stun character, with the best option being to join a team like the Ether team led by Zhu Yuan, replacing the position of Anby. This swap can greatly enhance the entire team.

Qingyi Mechanism

Qingyi is highly versatile and can be included in most current Daze teams. Her Perfect Dodge is very unique, and it has a characteristic similar to that of ranged characters, where it does not interrupt Basic Attacks. This greatly enhances her flexibility. The Daze playstyle centered around the special resource “Flash Connect Voltage” is straightforward and easy to execute, making it very accessible for players. While applying Daze, Qingyi can also provide a significant Daze abnormal damage boost to her teammates through her Core passive.

“Flash Connect Voltage” system
Qingyi’s core mechanism is the Voltage system. The full name of Voltage is “Flash Connect Voltage”, which is Qingyi’s special resource. Qingyi’s various Electric damage skills accumulate Voltage, and when Voltage exceeds 75%, holding Basic Attack key can activate the Charged Attack skill “Enchanted Moonlit Blossoms”. This skill depletes the Voltage and deals substantial Daze damage along with additional damage. A complete Charged Attack consists of two phases: “forward rush attacks” and a “finishing strike.” When we hold down the Basic Attack button, Qingyi performs up to five “forward rush attacks,” followed by a “finishing strike.” If the button is released early, Qingyi will perform the “finishing strike” earlier. The “finishing strike” has Dodge and invulnerability properties, so it can be used to avoid damage.

The total multiplier of the five forward rush attacks is comparable to that of the finishing strike. To ensure Daze efficiency, players should try to complete all five forward rush attacks. The Charged Attack interacts with Qingyi’s Core passive, which allows the Charged Attack to apply a debuff called “Subjugation” to enemies. Each stack of the debuff increases the enemy’s Daze damage boost, and it can stack up to 20 layers. Each forward rush attack adds 1 stack of the debuff, while the finishing strike adds 5 stacks. Additionally, against non-boss enemies, the stacking doubles. If a Perfect Dodge is triggered during the finishing strike, it instantly applies 10 stacks of the debuff. The damage boost that the Core passive provides to the entire team is very significant. At max level, the fully stacked Core passive can increase the enemy’s Daze damage by 80%, which is especially critical for characters with strong burst capabilities.

Main source of “Voltage” – Basic Attack 3
Qingyi’s Basic Attack consists of four stages. The first and second stages deal Physical damage, while the third and fourth stages deal Electric damage. Basic Attack 3 has the highest efficiency in accumulating Voltage and can be continuously extended by repeatedly tapping the Basic Attack button, and it won’t be interrupted by dodging, making Basic Attack 3 the most important and commonly used skill. Besides following the normal sequence of Basic Attacks, Basic Attack 3 can also be derived directly through a Dodge Counter or Ex Special, greatly enhancing combat flexibility without affecting the efficiency of Voltage accumulation.

In addition to deriving Basic Attack 3, both Ex Special and Dodge Counter are Electric damage skills that can accumulate Voltage. The base energy cost for Ex Special is 60. Ex Special deals Electric damage and Daze, and can accumulate 20% Voltage. Ex Special can also be charged, costing an additional 20 points of energy to deal higher damage while accumulating an extra 10% Voltage. Qingyi’s Dodge Counter provides less Voltage, only 15%. Qingyi’s Chain attack can deal Electric damage and Daze to enemies within a medium range while accumulating about 20% Voltage. Her Ultimate has almost the same multiplier as Lycaon’s, but with a much larger area of effect. The only notable point is that the Ultimate provides a 75% Voltage, which means after using the Ultimate, Qingyi can immediately unleash a Charged Attack. This burst of Daze is very powerful and can instantly deal 40% to 50% Daze damage to a boss. The Basic Attack 3 now has an effect of pulling enemies together.

Qingyi Team Passive – Convertion of Impact to Attack
Qingyi’s team passive consists of two parts. The first part increases the Daze value caused by normal attacks by an additional 20%. The second part enhances Qingyi’s Attack by 6 for every point of Impact above 120%, up to a maximum increase of 600. Therefore, Qingyi needs to maintain her Impact above 220 during combat. After calculations, this passive can provide Qingyi with up to a 22.93% damage boost.

Should we use a Charged Attack at 75% or 100% Voltage?
For each percentage of Voltage consumed beyond 75%, the damage or Daze value of the Charged Attack increases by an additional 1% or 0.5%. Initially, we thought this encouraged players to release the Charged Attack at full Voltage to gain up to a 25% independent bonus. However, after calculations, we found that the actual boost provided by this effect is minimal. Compared to a Charged Attack at 75% Voltage, the full Voltage version only improves Daze efficiency by 0.78%, which is almost negligible. In other words, the bonus from Voltage beyond 75% is more of a compensation and doesn’t provide a substantial increase. Therefore, in terms of Daze efficiency, frequency is more important than quality for Charged Attacks. The conclusion is that players should use the Charged Attack when Voltage reaches 75%.

Qingyi Skills
Qingyi Skills Priority
Basic Attack

Qingyi’s skill upgrade priority is: Core equals Basic Attack, greater than Special, greater than Dodge, and greater than others. Basic Attack affects the multipliers of Basic Attack 3 and Charged Attack, and these two skills can account for up to 70% of the total Daze efficiency. Therefore, the priority of Basic Attack is the same as the Core passive, both being the highest. Players with limited resources can focus on upgrading only these two skills in the early stages.


Qingyi Basic Attack

Press to activate:
Launch up to four attacks forward, dealing Physical and Electric DMG.
During the 3rd-hit, continually press to continue the attack, continuously striking the enemy. Using Dodge during this period will not interrupt Qingyi’s Basic Attack combo count.
During the 3rd hit, stop pressing to interrupt the combo, transitioning automatically to the fourth attack. If the combo lasts for a certain time, the fourth attack will be enhanced.
Anti-Interrupt Level is increased and DMG received is reduced by 40% during the 3rd and 4th hit.


Press continually
Stop Pressing

Moveset - Dash Attack : Firepower

DMG Multiplier

Enchanted Blossoms

Qingyi Basic Attack

Press to activate:
Launches a forward rush attack, dealing Electric DMG.
Anti-Interrupt level is increased while using this skill.

Flash Connect
When Qingyi deals Electric DMG with a skill, she accumulates Flash Connect Voltage. When Flash Connect Voltage reaches 75%, she will enter the Flash Connect state. When using her Basic Attack: Enchanted Moonlit Blossoms, Qingyi will consume all Flash Connect Voltage and exit the Flash Connect state. For every 1% of Flash Connect Voltage consumed over 75%, her Damage and Daze inflicted by this skill will be increased by 1%/0.5%. Basic Attack: Enchanted Moonlit Blossoms itself does not accumulate Flash Connect Voltage.


DMG Multiplier

Enchanted Moonlit Blossoms

Qingyi Basic Attack

During the Flash Connect state, hold to activate:
Launch five consecutive forward rush attacks, then execute a finishing strike that inflicts massive Electric DMG. Release  during the move to trigger the finishing strike early.
Activate the finishing strike just before the character is attacked to trigger Perfect Dodge.
Anti-Interrupt level is increased during the rush attack, and Qingyi is invulnerable during the finishing blow.
Anti-Interrupt level is increased and DMG received is reduced by 40% during the rush attack. Qingyi is invulnerable during the Finishing Move.


Hold during Flash Connect state
DMG Multiplier
Qingyi Dodge Skills

Swan Song

Qingyi Dodge

Press to activate:
A quick dash dodge.
Character is invulnerable while using this skill.

Moveset - Normal Dodge



Qingyi Dash Attack

Press during a Dodge to activate:
Dash forward and then launch an upward slash, dealing Physical DMG.

Moveset - Scatter

DMG Multiplier

Lingering Sentiments

Qingyi Dodge Counter

Press during a Perfect Dodge to activate:
Leap into the air and then perform a downward strike, dealing Electric DMG.
Character is invulnerable while using this skill.


Press during Perfect Dodge
DMG Multiplier
Qingyi Special Attacks

Sunlit Glory

Qingyi Special Attack

Press to activate:
Quickly strikes upward, followed by a downward smash, dealing Electric DMG.
Anti-Interrupt level is increased while using this skill.


DMG Multiplier

Moonlit Begonia

Qingyi EX Special Attack

When Qingyi has enough energy, press to activate:
Quickly strikes upward and leaps into the air, turning around to launch a series of strikes, then follows up with a powerful downward smash, dealing massive Electric DMG.
Hold to consume additional energy to increase the combo hits of the series of strikes.
Character is invulnerable while using this skill.

Moveset - Normal

Press(Enough energy)
DMG Multiplier & Cost
Qingyi Chain Attacks

Tranquil Serenade

Qingyi Chain Attack

When a Chain Attack is triggered, select Qingyi to activate:
Launch a series of powerful strikes over a large area in front, dealing massive Electric DMG
When this attack hits an enemy, the skill’s DMG increases by 3% for every stack of Subjugation in Core Passive: Eternal Seasons the target has.
Character is invulnerable while using this skill.

DMG Multiplier

Eight Sounds of Ganzhou

Qingyi Ultimate

When Decibel Rating is at Maximum, press to activate:
Launch a series of powerful strikes over a large area in front, followed by a finishing move, dealing massive Electric DMG.
Character is invulnerable while using this skill.


Press (Maximum Decibel Rating)
DMG Multiplier
Qingyi Core Skills

Eternal Seasons

Qingyi Core Passive

When Qingyi lands a Finishing Strike on an enemy with her Basic Attack: Enchanted Moonlit Blossoms, it applies 5 stacks of Subjugation to the enemy, stacking up to 20 times. Each stack of Subjugation increases the target’s Stun DMG Multiplier by 2%/2.4%/2.7%/3%/3.4%/3.7%/4%. For each rush attack during Basic Attack: Enchanted Moonlit Blossoms, the finishing strike will apply an extra stack of Subjugation. If Perfect Dodge is triggered when using finishing strike, it directly applies 10.0 stacks of Subjugation. When applying Subjugation to normal or elite enemies, the applied stacks are doubled. When the target recovers from being Stunned, the corresponding stacks of Subjugation are reset.

Three Verses of Farewell at Yang Pass

Qingyi Additional Ability

Activated when there is at least 1 Attack-type character or a character from the same faction in your squad:
Basic Attacks deal 20% increased Daze. If Qingyi’s Impact is greater than 120, each point over increases her Attack by 6, up to a maximum of 600.

Qingyi Assist Skills

Wind Through the Pines

Qingyi Quick Assist

When the on-field character is launched, press to activate:
Leap into the air and perform a downward strike, dealing Electric DMG.
Character is invulnerable while using this skill.


Press (Character is knocked up)
DMG Multiplier

Graceful Embellishment

Qingyi Defensive Assist

When the on-field character is about to be attacked, press to activate:
Parries the enemy’s attack, dealing massive Daze.
Character is invulnerable while using this skill.


Press (On-field Character About to be attacked)
DMG Multiplier

Song of the Clear River

Qingyi Assist Follow-Up

Press after a Defensive Assist to activate:
Dash forward quickly and inject electrical energy into the ground, then pull back to trigger an explosion, dealing Electric DMG.
Character is invulnerable while using this skill.


Press (On-field Character About to be attacked)
DMG Multiplier
Qingyi Key Mindscapes

Qingyi’s Key Mindscapes

Different from other Stun Characters, Qingyi’s Mindscapes improve her performance in various aspect, Therefore, the % indicates the overall performance of Qingyi’s Mindscapes including Daze Efficiency, Personal Dmg IncreaseDMG Boost to Teammates (In team of Zhuyan, Nicole, Qingyi).

No Data Found

Key Mindscapces of Qingyi are M1 and M6. M1 changes Qingyi’s mechanics, while M6 greatly increases her damage output.

M1 brings a fundamental change to Qingyi’s mechanics. Its effects cover four dimensions: mechanical changes, increased Daze efficiency, defense reduction, and damage amplification. The key mechanical change in M1 for Qingyi is related to Voltage. Upon unlocking M1, Qingyi starts the battle with maximun Voltage, and the subsequent Voltage accumulation rate is increased by 30%. Notably, this increase in Voltage accumulation speed is permanently effective. This enhances Qingyi’s Daze efficiency by advancing her initial burst and resource acquistion. M1 also changes the timing for Qingyi to unleash her Charged Attack. With M1, Qingyi needs to release the Charged Attack at 100% Voltage to trigger the defense reduction effect and Crit Dmg bonus.

M2 enhances the Daze damage boost provided by Qingyi’s Core passive debuff to 133% of its original value. In other words, the total 80% Daze damage boost from fully stacked debuffs will be increased to 107% with M2. Additionally, Qingyi will deal 15% more Daze damage to enemies with fully stacked debuffs. Overall, this Mindscape’s impact is relatively modest. Another effect that influences Qingyi’s Daze efficiency requires fully stacked debuffs to trigger. Generally, the debuffs will be fully stacked during the first Charged Attack against elite monsters or the second Charged Attack in boss battles. In either case, the target won’t be far from entering the Daze state once the debuffs are fully stacked. Therefore, the 15% extra Daze efficiency is not significant.

M4 is a survival Mindscape that has little impact on Qingyi’s Daze efficiency or damage. Its effect is that when entering or exiting a Dodge state, Qingyi gains a shield. If the shield is triggered while the previous shield is still active, Qingyi recovers 5 points of energy

M6 significantly increases the Interruption Level of the Charged Attack and boosts its Crit Damage by 100%. Qingyi’s Charged Attack already has a very high interruption effect, which is capable of interrupting many mid-sized enemies’ actions. M6 Qingyi’s Charged Attack can even directly interrupt boss-grade enemies. Moreover, the Charged Attack from M6 also reduces the target’s all attributes RES by 20%, which is a rare multiplier. The total boost provided by M6 is approximately 32%.

Qingyi Mindscapes


Qingyi Mindscape 1



Qingyi Mindscape 2



Qingyi Mindscape 3



Qingyi Mindscape 4



Qingyi Mindscape 5



Qingyi Mindscape 6


Qingyi Build

Qingyi Best W-Engine

The percentage indicates the overall performance of W-engines including Daze Efficiency, Personal Dmg Increase, DMG Boost to Teammates (In team of Zhuyan, Nicole, Qingyi) relative to the W-engine marked with 100%.

Regarding the performance of W-engines, we analyzed it from three aspects: Daze Efficiency, Personal Damage Increase, and DMG Boost to Teammates. In terms of Daze Efficiency, Qingyi’s Signature W-engine’s performance is not outstanding. Lycaon’s Signature W-engine is almost on par with Qingyi’s in Daze Efficiency, while among the many four-star W-engines, the “Steam Oven” performs exceptionally well. This W-engine requires the wielder to minimize the use of Ex Special, but Ex Special is often crucial for Stun characters. Therefore, before Qingyi, no other Stun character could adapt to this W-engine. However, for Qingyi, Ex Special is not a key skill, so the loss from changing the playstyle of Qingyi is much less significant than for other Stun characters. Under a specialized playstyle, Qingyi can maximize the Combat Impact buff from “Steam Oven” and maintain extremely high uptime. As a result, purely in terms of Daze Efficiency, the performance of the “Steam Oven” even surpasses Qingyi’s Signature W-engine.

Despite this, Qingyi’s Signature W-engine provides a significant damage boost to teammates, greatly outperforming other W-engines in this aspect, making its overall performance the highest among all W-engines. It’s important to note that this simulation was conducted with a team composition of Zhu Yuan, Qingyi, and Nicole. If replaced with Ellen and Soukaku, the damage boost provided by Qingyi’s Signature W-engine to the team would be even higher.

Qingyi Best Disk Drives

The percentage indicates the overall performance of Disk Drives Personal Dmg Increase relative to the Disk Drives marked with 100%.

General Stun Build 2


General Stun Build 3


Qingyi Disk Drives’ Main Stats & Sub Stats

Slot 4

Crit Rate / Crit DMG

Slot 5


Slot 6


Main Stats

Crit Rate = Crit DMG > ATK% > PEN > Anomaly Proficiency

Sub Stats

As a Stun character, the 4-piece set without a doubt should be “Shock Disco”. For the 2-piece set, since Qingyi doesn’t rely on Special, so we can focus on selecting a 2-piece set that enhances damage insteading of building Energy Regen by using ‘Swing Jazz”.

After calculating the priority of stats, the final choice for the 2-piece set should be “Woodpecker”, with “Hormone Punk” as the second option.

When selecting main stats, after calculations, we found that the priority of Qingyi’s Electro DMG is far lower than Crit Rate/Crit DMG and ATK%, so for Slot 5, we choose ATK% as the main stat. With one ATK% Main Stat already in place, the priority of ATK% becomes significantly lower than Crit Rate and Crit DMG, so for Slot 4, the Main Stat should be Crit Rate or Crit DMG. As mentioned earlier, Qingyi does not need Energy Regen, so Slot 6 should be Impact.

Regarding Sub stats, prioritize Crit Rate or Crit DMG, followed by ATK%, and finally, you can stack some PEN or AF.

Qingyi Team

Qingyi Ether Team

In an Ether team, replacing Anby with Qingyi can result in a 80% damage increase. From the aspect of Daze efficiency, Qingyi is a superior replacement for Anby, offering higher flexibility and better stability. However, due to Anby’s synergy with the team, her Daze capability is not weak in Ether team, so the improvement Qingyi brings in Daze efficiency is not high. This 80% overall increase comes primarily from the boost provided by her Core passive. Zhu Yuan, as a burst-type strong attack character, concentrates 99% of his damage output during the Daze period, and Qingyi’s Core passive precisely amplifies the damage multiplier during Daze period, making them highly compatible. Therefore, for an Ether team, Qingyi is a crucial piece of the puzzle.

Qingyi Ice Team

For players who have drawn Ellen but do not have Lycaon, the arrival of Qingyi has been highly anticipated. The calculations show that Qingyi can only serve as a better substitute for Lycaon in a Pure Ice team. The main reason is that Lycaon can provide a higher damage boost for Ellen. In terms of Daze Efficiency, Qingyi has an advantage in the first 10 seconds of the battle, but in longer battles, Lycaon will slightly surpass Qingyi. Overall, the two are nearly equal in Daze Efficiency, with the main difference lying in how each character boosts Ellen. Qingyi can provide a 80% Daze damage boost, while Lycaon offers a 35% Daze damage boost along with a 25% Ice RES reduction. This results in Qingyi becoming a slightly better Stun Character for Ellen’s Ice Team. The overall performance Qingyi in Ice Team is 5% better that Lycaon.

Qingyi Fire Team

In a Pure Fire team, Koleda, as the only Stun character choice for Soldier 11, is not entirely compatible with her. The arrival of Qingyi brings new possibilities to Fire team. The calculations show that in long-duration battles, the enhancement Qingyi brings to the Pure Fire team is excellent. This significant improvement comes from two main aspects. First is Daze Efficiency: Koleda has the strongest Daze burst among all characters, but her sustainability is poor. Therefore, in long-duration battles like three rounds of Daze period, Koleda’s disadvantage becomes significant, causing her to fall behind Qingyi in Daze performance.

In addition, Qingyi also provides a damage boost to Soldier 11 through her Core passive, further widening the gap between the Qingyi and Koleda in Pure Fire team.

Qingyi Physical Team

Since Corin is burst role that is similar to Zhu Yuan – a short-duration burst characters, Qingyi’s compatibility with Corin is very high. Before Qingyi’s arrival, Lycaon had always been the best Stun character choice for a physical team, primarily because Lycaon had decent Daze efficiency and provided a 35% boost in Daze damage boost. Now, Qingyi’s Daze efficiency is close to Lycaon’s, but she offers 45% more Daze damage boost, making her, in some ways, an optimized version of Lycaon for physical teams.

Because of this, Qingyi can indeed bring a higher boost to Corin, but she can’t transform Corin’s performance drastically. The final calculations also point to this conclusion, showing that replacing Lycaon with Qingyi only provides about an 11% increase.

Qingyi Ascension Material

Rank 1 
Req Lv 10


Rank 2
Req Lv 20


Rank 3
Req Lv 30


Rank 4
Req Lv 40


Rank 5
Req Lv 50

Qingyi Guide

Qingyi’s Performance in the Game

The heir to the Lightning Five Whips and an intelligent battle robot with multiple head types, Qingyi is a character that has caught the attention of many players. But how does she perform in the game, and is she worth pulling for? This review will provide you with the answers. We are committed to creating the best visually appealing guides on the internet, so we hope you can support us with a like: each coin provides 10 experience points, and each share provides 5 experience points, helping you level up while allowing us to produce better content.


Qingyi is a limited character in the Special Operations Unit, specializing in enemy attribute-breaking. Her strengths lie in her strong determination, with her core passive providing up to 80% additional damage against imbalanced enemies. Her extra ability requires pairing with an offensive or same-unit character to trigger, allowing her to fit into most imbalance teams as a breaker. As for weaknesses, they were effectively eliminated with the buffs she received within the first five days after her release, making her one of the strongest breakers available. The only downside is her electric attribute’s reduced edge-breaking efficiency when facing enemies without an electric weakness. In such cases, Wolff’s edge-breaking method is stronger. In other situations, Qingyi remains the most efficient and strongest breaker in terms of imbalance performance.

Overall Assessment

Qingyi is currently ranked as a Tier 0 breaker, excelling in flipping the battlefield and perfectly complementing characters like Zhu Yuan for explosive battlefield output. She can also be paired with Allen. Any player lacking a breaker should consider pulling for Qingyi. For example, she can be added to Zhu Yuan’s team to replace Anbi or join Allen’s team without Lycaon, providing significant enhancements. Qingyi’s exclusive engine offers around a 20% improvement over other engines, making it a solid choice. For those without this option, the top recommendations are the Long-Pole Engine, Burning Gear, and Residual Gear. If these aren’t available, Blade Set and Precious Bone Box are good alternatives, both of which can be redeemed at the toy store.

Comparing Exclusive and Generic Engines

While the exclusive engine is similar in overall performance to the generic engine, the latter has a lower draw expectation, making the exclusive engine a better value overall. For dedicated fans, pulling for a 0+1 setup not only offers a good value but also provides exclusive effects. However, for free-to-play players, the 0+0 setup is the most cost-effective. Whether or not to pull depends on your understanding of the character, so let’s dive into Qingyi’s skills to better understand her.

Skill Overview

Before detailing the skills, let’s focus on the core mechanics. Qingyi’s core skill is the main source of her strength, while her normal attack and special skill are her primary breaking methods, so it’s recommended to max them out. Among the three levels of priority, the core skill should be prioritized first, followed by normal attack, dodge, and support skills. You only need to allocate points to support skills and dodge when necessary. Due to Qingyi’s frequent use of dodge, it’s advisable to prioritize upgrading dodge among the three categories.

Skill Details

Qingyi’s core passive allows her enhanced normal attacks to apply a buff called “Muscle” to enemies, with each layer increasing imbalance damage by 4% and increasing chain damage by 3%. This can stack up to 20 layers, and stacking efficiency is doubled against elite enemies. The layers reset when the enemy exits the imbalance state. Her extra ability is purely numerical, increasing the imbalance value of her normal attacks by 20% and boosting her attack power. Any impact force exceeding 120 points increases attack power by 6 points, up to a maximum of 600 points, though this isn’t fully utilized without the exclusive engine.

In simple terms, Qingyi’s imbalance damage is stacked through her enhanced normal attacks, which require energy to execute. Energy is represented by the bar below Qingyi’s portrait. In practice, Qingyi primarily gains energy through the third segment of her normal attack, commonly referred to as the “Lightning Five Whips.” There are three ways to enter this mode: by continuing to press the attack button after the second segment of the normal attack, after a dodge counter, or after an enhanced special skill. Since the normal attack is prone to interruption, the first method is not recommended. Instead, the other two methods are preferred for entering Lightning Five Whips mode.

Maintaining Lightning Five Whips

Once in Lightning Five Whips mode, continuing to press the attack button maintains the move and pulls in enemies. Even if you stop pressing the button, switch characters, or block, it will automatically link to the fourth segment of the normal attack. Holding the button for an extended period also increases the damage and imbalance multiplier of the fourth segment. Additionally, combo skills generate a lot of energy and deal significant damage, so it’s worth using them. The enhanced special skill comes in two forms: long press and short press. The long press consumes 20 points of energy but doesn’t greatly improve breaking efficiency or energy gain, so short presses are generally recommended to trigger the Lightning Five Whips and disperse energy.

When energy is dispersed by more than 75%, Qingyi enters a “Lightning Down” state, where holding the attack button triggers the enhanced normal attack, consuming all energy. Exceeding 75% energy consumption increases the damage of the enhanced normal attack by 1% and the imbalance value by 0.5% for each point of energy consumed.

Enhanced Normal Attack Mechanics

The enhanced normal attack consists of two stages: the initial strike, which is five consecutive attacks (referred to as “Initial Strike”), and the final blow (“Final Blow”). The Initial Strike does not stack layers, but each time it’s used, the Final Blow adds another layer. Combined with the five layers from the mid-level attack, completing one enhanced normal attack can stack ten layers. If Qingyi is hit during the mid-level attack, it automatically triggers an extreme dodge, adding ten more layers. During the Initial Strike, releasing the attack button, switching characters, or parrying will immediately trigger the Final Blow.

Practical Application

Although it may sound complicated, the practical application is quite straightforward. Start by activating the enhanced special skill, then continuously press the attack button to execute the Lightning Five Whips and disperse energy. If the enemy retreats or runs away, continue to press dodge while holding the attack button to move toward the enemy without interrupting the Lightning Five Whips. This is particularly effective against agile enemies. If the enemy attacks, use the parry to avoid it and continue slashing to disperse energy.

Energy Management

Once energy is dispersed, the key question arises: should you release the enhanced normal attack at 75% energy or wait until 100%? It depends on the situation. Against elite enemies, completing one full enhanced normal attack is sufficient to apply 20 layers of the “Muscle” buff, especially since their imbalance gauge is relatively short. In such cases, it’s advisable to release at 100% energy for a full burst to knock the enemy into imbalance. However, against bosses with longer imbalance gauges, it often takes two full enhanced normal attacks to apply 20 layers of the “Muscle” buff. Given their high attack frequency and resistance to interruption, it’s better to release at 75% energy to reduce Qingyi’s battlefield pressure and allow for multiple enhanced normal attacks to ensure stability.

Final Thoughts on Qingyi’s Skills

Once the strategy is chosen, there are a few things to keep in mind regarding the enhanced normal attack. The two mechanisms mentioned earlier—automatic release upon switching characters and automatic dodge when hit—can be leveraged to easily perform double counters. The operation is simple: during the enhanced normal attack, observe the enemy’s movements, and when the yellow warning light appears, press the support button to execute double counters. This technique not only allows Zhu Yuan to gain additional buffs but also lets Qingyi stack layers effectively.

Game Pairing Impact

Qingyi’s introduction changes the dynamics of game pairing. Before discussing pairings, let’s compare all breaker characters. We’ve simulated a long-axis breaker model, excluding the impact of initial energy, and introduced parry calculations to measure each character’s battlefield breaking efficiency. Qingyi currently has the highest breaking efficiency among all breaker characters, leading by about 10% compared to existing long-axis breakers. Additionally, Qingyi has an 80% imbalance damage multiplier, theoretically increasing damage per second by 53.3% when the enemy has a 50% base imbalance damage multiplier, surpassing Coreda and Anbi by a significant margin.

Conclusion on Qingyi’s Strength

Overall, Qingyi is an extremely powerful breaker who can fit into most strong attack teams. Her pairing is simple: as long as there’s a strong attacker in the team, Qingyi can be added without hesitation. She’s undoubtedly a great fit for Zhu Yuan, who has high burst potential on the battlefield. The two characters not only have highly compatible skill modules but also share double parry as a combo, making Qingyi an upgraded version of Anbi. Compared to Anbi, Qingyi offers a 53.3% improvement. When paired with Nicole, they form the strongest imbalance team, slightly ahead of the Laken’s Shark setup in terms of strength.

On the other hand, Qingyi doesn’t pair as well with Allen, resulting in a slightly weaker overall strength compared to Laken but still stronger than Anbi or Coreda. When paired with other strong attackers like Number 11, Cat Friend, Anton, or Billy, Qingyi also provides a noticeable boost. Among these, while Cat Friend sees some improvement, their synergy is poor, making it difficult for Cat Friend to fully leverage her advantages. Players using Cat Friend should wait for new characters. Pairing Qingyi with Gris results in some loss of synergy, as Qingyi’s extra ability and electric charge accumulation clash, leading to time conflicts on the battlefield. Therefore, it’s not recommended to add Qingyi to the Gris setup.

Can Qingyi Be a Main DPS?

Unfortunately, Qingyi is not suited to being a main DPS due to her extra ability trigger conditions and skill module design. Therefore, her development should focus entirely on her role as a breaker. For the Drive set, the recommended choice is the Resurgence Disk, with energy regeneration or electric attribute damage as the preferred two-piece bonuses. Personally, I recommend energy regeneration. As for the main stats, Slot 4 should prioritize critical hit rate, followed by attack power; Slot 5 should prioritize electric attribute damage or attack power; Slot 6 should focus on impact power. If you want to maximize defense, you can swap all offensive stats for defense and health, fully committing to the breaker role.

Exclusive Engine Analysis

The exclusive engine “Yin Qing” provides a maxed-out attack power of 713 and an 18% impact power boost. The special effect grants a buff after each normal attack, increasing impact power by 0.7% per stack, up to three stacks, for a total of 21% impact power. Each buff’s duration is calculated separately and lasts for 8 seconds. When the buff reaches 15 stacks, it also grants a 20% damage boost to the entire team for 10 seconds. For Qingyi, stacking this exclusive engine is very fast, as each normal attack triggers a stack. For other breakers, it’s more challenging to reach full stacks, making it difficult to consistently activate the damage boost. Therefore, the exclusive engine is more specialized.

Breaker Engine Calculations

The calculations for breaker engines are more complex because breaking efficiency does not directly correlate with DPS improvement. For example, if it takes 20 seconds to break the enemy’s imbalance shield, allowing for 10 seconds of output, and switching to an engine that improves breaking efficiency by 33% reduces the breaking time to 15 seconds, the total cycle time becomes 25 seconds, resulting in only a 20% DPS increase. This is lower than the improvement in breaking efficiency. Additionally, the entire team’s imbalance value is not solely provided by the breaker; the main DPS and support also contribute a bit. Therefore, the actual benefit of breaking efficiency is lower. Moreover, Qingyi’s exclusive engine offers additional damage bonuses, so we introduce the concept of “team equivalent DPS” to represent the engine’s DPS improvement for the entire team.

Final Recommendation

In the end, the two regular engines perform well, with little difference between them. If you’re looking for a straightforward option, the Precious Bone Box provides a more linear impact power boost and performs better overall after reading. Both can be fully redeemed at the toy store, so we won’t discuss other engines. For those who want to use Qingyi as a main DPS, we’ve calculated the damage potential of the exclusive engine. Qingyi’s exclusive engine not only fully utilizes the 600-point attack power bonus from the extra ability but also provides a 20% damage boost. The damage output is slightly higher than other engines, but the difference is not substantial. Therefore, the exclusive engine alone is not enough to support a pure DPS playstyle.

Adding the enhancement effect doesn’t make it viable either. Qingyi’s full energy entry and 30% improved energy accumulation efficiency allow for frequent releases of the enhanced normal attack, but the overall DPS gain is only about 7%. The 15% defense reduction provides an additional 7.8% DPS boost for the entire team. The 20% critical hit rate increase results in a 14% damage increase for Qingyi. Together, the defense reduction, critical hit rate, and energy dispersion efficiency provide a 23% overall damage boost, making Qingyi’s battlefield damage output theoretically reach 70% of Number 11’s. If combined with the exclusive engine, Qingyi might even rival Number 11, but the cost is high, and suitable teammates are lacking. Therefore, the main DPS build is more of an entertainment playstyle and is not highly recommended.

Other ZZZ Character Builds

Anton’s unique mechanism allows him to trigger an additional 45% Shock damage every 5 critical hits while in Burst mode. Placing Anton after a strong buildup character like Grace, the extra damage from his direct attacks combiness with addional Shock DMG. This mechanism enables Anton to carry the damage output for the Shock team, achieving high damage in a short time, making him a short-cycle Electric burst DPS.


  • Triggers additional Shock DMG


  • Relies on Ex Special
  • Target must be shocked to maximize damage

Piper, as the second Anomaly character in the game, has revitalized the Physical team and activated the Disorder team. Piper can boost teammates’ damage while efficiently building up Physical Anomaly, making her a highly versatile physical status character.


  • Astonishing physical status buildup efficiency
  • Provides damage boosts for the whole team


  • Can’t think of any for now

Lucy’s unique support mode, featuring a one-time activation semi-permanent auto-combat pig squad and attack boost support through hands-free skills, allows her to provide damage increase to teammates while also having her own damage output. She is an excellent versatile attack support for quick clears, unaffected by the environment or pairings. Lucy’s pig squad mechanism means that once Special is activated in the battle, the pigs will continue to fight alongside, whether Lucy is on-field or off-field. Lucy’s buffs depend on her own ATK but cannot exceed 600, which is 400 lower than Soukaku’s. Since Lucy’s buffs are based on a percentage of ATK plus a fixed value, any weapon with an attack main stat can reach the limit.


  • Low requirements for Main Stats and Sub Stats
  • Has some damage output capability


  • As a support, the buffs are somewhat insufficient

Lucy’s unique support mode, featuring a one-time activation semi-permanent auto-combat pig squad and attack boost support through hands-free skills, allows her to provide damage increase to teammates while also having her own damage output. She is an excellent versatile attack support for quick clears, unaffected by the environment or pairings. Lucy’s pig squad mechanism means that once Special is activated in the battle, the pigs will continue to fight alongside, whether Lucy is on-field or off-field. Lucy’s buffs depend on her own ATK but cannot exceed 600, which is 400 lower than Soukaku’s. Since Lucy’s buffs are based on a percentage of ATK plus a fixed value, any weapon with an attack main stat can reach the limit.


  • Low requirements for Main Stats and Sub Stats
  • Has some damage output capability


  • As a support, the buffs are somewhat insufficient

Soukaku’s attack actions are slow and lack mobility, giving Soukaku no advantage in rapid fight. However, his unique Banner skill transfers the attack boost effect to teammates and increases the whole team’s Ice DMG, making Soukaku a highly versatile Ice-type attack support and the best partner for Ellen.


  • Provides comprehensive buffs
  • Ellen’s best support


  • Low mobility

In terms of speed of attack, Nekomata is undoubtedly the best in Zenless Zone Zero. With swift and light combos, instant skill execution, and unique wide-range Ultimate and QTE in the game, Nekomata excels. Te absolute advantage in speed and range grants Nekomata a distinctive combat style. Nekomata is positioned as a burst-type quick-swap main or sub DPS with an extremely agile playstyle.


  • Rapid Attack
  • Large Area AoE
  • Good in quick-swap DPS


  • Weak as a Main DPS and Single Target