Zenless Zone Zero(ZZZ) Disk Drives (Drive Disc)

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Change Log

Updated Disk Drives information regarding the most update version 1.0.

  • S Rank Disk Drives Set Effect are changed according to the newest V1.0 patch.

Disk Drives Introduction

Disk Drives Main Stats

Zenless Zone Zero Disk Drives have a main stat. The actual main stat depends on the slot in which it is equipped. Below are the main stats of the Disk Drives at their Max Level.

S Rank Main Stats (Lv15)
SlotHPATKDEFATK%HP%DEF%Crit Rate%Crit DMG%Anomaly MasteryAnomaly ProficiencyPen Rate%Impact%Energy Regen%Physical DMG%Fire DMG%Ice DMG%Electric DMG%Ether DMG%
Slot I2200
Slot II 316
Slot III 184
Slot IV 30%30%48%24%48%92
Slot V 30%30%48% 24% 30%30%30%30%30%
Slot VI 30%30%48% 30% 18%60%
A Rank Main Stats (Lv12)
SlotHPATKDEFATK%HP%DEF%Crit Rate%Crit DMG%Anomaly MasteryAnomaly ProficiencyPen Rate%Impact%Energy Regen%Physical DMG%Fire DMG%Ice DMG%Electric DMG%Ether DMG%
Slot I1468
Slot II 212
Slot III 124
Slot IV 20%20%32%16%32%60
Slot V 20%20%32% 16% 20%20%20%20%20%
Slot VI 20%20%32% 20% 12%40%
B Rank Main Stats (Lv9)
SlotHPATKDEFATK%HP%DEF%Crit Rate%Crit DMG%Anomaly MasteryAnomaly ProficiencyPen Rate%Impact%Energy Regen%Physical DMG%Fire DMG%Ice DMG%Electric DMG%Ether DMG%
Slot I734
Slot II 104
Slot III 60
Slot IV 10%10%16%8%16%32
Slot V 10%10%16% 8% 10%10%10%10%10%
Slot VI 10%10%16% 10% 6%20%

Disk Drives Sub Stats

Zenless Zone Zero Disk Drives have a Sub stat. The Sub Stat will be the same across different slots. Disk Drive sub stats are generated randomly, the list of possible sub-stats includes:

Disk Drives Sub stats
RankHPHP%ATKATK%DEFDEF%PENCrit RateCrit DMGAnomaly Mastery
S Rank1183%223%154.80%92.40%4.80%3
A Rank792%152%103.20%61.60%3.20%2
B Rank391%71%51.60%30.80%1.60%1

Disk Drives List

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