Genshin Impact 5.3 Spiral Abyss Best Team Comps
This page will provide an overview of the most commonly used team compositions for Spiral Abyss (Floor 9 to 12) in Genshin Impact 5.3.
Each of these teams has its own unique advantages, so they are not ranked in order of importance as we understand that travelers have their own preferred play styles. Please note that due to the addition of a new character of Genshin Impact, the number of possible team combinations is constantly increasing, and the list provided here is not exhaustive but rather intended as a reference for travelers.

Blessing of the Abyssal Moon : Scorching Moon


2025-01-16 to 2025-02-16

  • After a party member triggers a Pyro-related reaction, a shockwave will be unleashed at the character’s position, dealing True DMG to nearby opponents. This effect can be triggered once every 3s.
Floor 9
 Ley Line Disorder
  • • All party members gain a 50% Pyro DMG Bonus
FLOOR 9-1 Upper
Wave 1
Tepetlisaur Whelp6
Tepetlisaur Whelp
HP: 35165
Wave 2
HP: 95904
FLOOR 9-1 Lower
Ruin Guard1
Ruin Guard
HP: 193277
Floor 9 Team Comp
Floor 10
Ley Line Disorder
  • • DMG dealt by characters is increased by 50% when in Nightsoul’s Blessing.
FLOOR 10-1 Upper
Wave 1:
Koholasaur Whelp3
Koholasaur Whelp
HP: 47273
Flowing Blade Grease-Saw1
Flowing Blade Grease-Saw
HP: 75637
Flowing Blade Skirmisher1
Flowing Blade Skirmisher
HP: 56728
Flowing Blade Harpoon-Thrower1
Flowing Blade Harpoon-Thrower
HP: 75637
Flowing Blade Grease-Saw1
Flowing Blade Grease-Saw
HP: 75637
Koholasaur Whelp2
Koholasaur Whelp
HP: 47273
Wave 2:
HP: 127638
Koholasaurus Warrior: Waveshuttler1
Koholasaurus Warrior: Waveshuttler
HP: 189093
Koholasaurus Warrior: Reefsplitter1
Koholasaurus Warrior: Reefsplitter
HP: 189093
FLOOR 10-1 Lower
Eremite Stone Enchanter1
Eremite Stone Enchanter
HP: 236366
Floor 10 Team Comp
Floor 11

Ley Line Disorder

  • All party members gain a 75% Pyro DMG Bonus.
FLOOR 11-1 Upper
Wave 1:
HP: 109110
HP: 136388
HP: 272775
HP: 109110
HP: 109110
HP: 109110
HP: 136388
HP: 81833
HP: 136388
HP: 272775
HP: 272775
FLOOR 11-1 Lower
Wave 1:
HP: 477357
Wave 2:
HP: 477357

Data collection for 5.0 Spiral Abyss Floor 11 is in progress.

Please wait patiently.

Floor 12

Ley Line Disorder

  • 1st Half – Pyro DMG dealt by all party members’ Normal Attacks increased by 75%.
    2nd Half – All party members’ Nightsoul aligned DMG increased by 75%.
FLOOR 12-1 Upper
Wave 1:
HP: 367972
Wave 2:
Gluttonous Yumkasaur Mountain King1
Gluttonous Yumkasaur Mountain King
HP: 3679722
FLOOR 12-1 Lower
Wave 1:
HP: 367972
Wave 2:
Wayward Hermetic Spiritspeaker1
Wayward Hermetic Spiritspeaker
HP: 2316862

Data collection for 5.0 Spiral Abyss Floor 12 is in progress.

Please wait patiently.


12-1  Wave 2

Gluttonous Yumkasaur Mountain King
  • The Gluttonous Yumkasaur Mountain King places three Pomegranates in front of him to consume. Once all three have been devoured, he unleashes two highly charged Pyro balls followed by a powerful particle beam attack, leaving him vulnerable for a short period.

    However, before he devours them, you can use Pyro elemental attacks to make the Pomegranates explode. This action temporarily incapacitates him, giving you an opening to strike!

12-2 Wave 2

Solitary Suanni

A beast dwelling in the deep mountains. It will periodically draw upon the adeptal powers and alternately unleash Hydro Ult and Anemo Ult. During its Ults, all-type RES is increased by 200% for 10s.

  • Hydro Ult: Continuously deal Hydro DMG in random surrounding areas. In the end, summon deadly tides in 7 huge circles, dealing massive Hydro DMG.
    During the Ult it will apply Hydro to itself. Freeze it with Cryo attacks and destroy its Frozen state with the Superconduct, Melt, Swirl, Crystallize or Shatter Reactions to remove its RES increase and temporarily paralyze it.
  • Anemo Ult: Summon 3 moving Gale Orbs and continuously deal Anemo DMG in random surrounding areas. In the end, deal massive Anemo DMG to the entire arena. The Gale Orbs will transform into vertexes, pulling characters in and dealing Anemo DoT.

Swirl all three Gale Orbs with the Electro, Hydro, Cryo or Pyro Elements to remove its RES increase and temporarily paralyze it.

Hydro and Anemo Adeptal Powers are used alternately, at intervals of 30s~60s. The first is always Hydro. When HP falls below 70%, uses Hydro Ult ignoring interval. When HP falls below 40%, uses Anemo Ult ignoring interval.

12-3 Wave 1

Biting-Cold Wayob Manifestation

• Trial Arena lasts for 13s, giving the Wayob a non-Elemental white Shield, maximum strength equal to 112% of own Max HP. DMG to the Shield cannot be magnified by Amplifying Reactions, and it is immune to Freeze and Petrify.
• During the Trial, all characters lose all Elemental Energy and cannot gain any Energy, but their DMG dealt is increased by 120%, and DMG with the Nightsoul-attribute is additionally increased by 60%.
• If the white Shield is broken within the Trial, the DMG boost and Energy loss effects will be removed, and will generate a large amount of orbs, reviving 90 Energy. Otherwise, the Wayob will gain an Elemental Shield according to the amount of remaining white Shield.
• Max Elemental Shield: Geo 24 / Dendro 24 / Hydro 48Cyro 48Pyro 48F